About European Research Council (ERC)

As Switzerland is not associated to Horizon Europe, Swiss institutions can only participate in some ERC-schemes as a so-called “host institution”. Transitional measures on national level exist for ERC calls, where such a participation is not possible. Please contact us for more information and to check your eligibility.

  • Groundbreaking bottom-up research
  • Support for single, independent Principal Investigator (PI) and his/her team (no collaborations)
  • PI can be of any age and nationality
  • Supporting Host Institution needed
  • Grant types depend on career stage:

In addition to the eligibility criteria from the ERC, there are additional ETH internal criteria that need to be met. They are related to the maximum duration of your employment and the support from the department (e.g. retirement, possibility to get appointed an assistant professorship). Please send us your up-to-date CV including your PhD certificate to check your eligibility. 

Maximum project duration is 5 years. For shorter projects, the maximum grant amount is reduced.

Note that there are special ETH internal requirements and deadlines to be met. 

If you consider applying, please check all details and procedures on our SUBMIT an ERC website.  

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