Manage ETH Grants

Should you wish to access your previous applications in the old application system, you can do so via this link. However, please note that new proposals should not be submitted on the former platform. Only submissions on eResearch can be considered for evaluation.

In the decision letter you will find all relevant information about how to start your ETH Grant and receive the funds awarded.

Personnel Changes

  • Changes to doctoral students or postdocs employed under the ETH Grant must be approved by the Grants Office. Please contact us at , enclosing a CV of the prospective new employee and stating the 
    • ETH Grant number
    • name of the PI
    • SAP Project / PSP Element of the ETH Grant and corresponding Responsibility Centre
    • and the reason for the change.  
  • If a PI leaves ETH before the end of the ETH Grant project, another ETH Zurich professor must agree in writing to take over the formal supervision and host the doctoral student in their lab, as there is no "money follows researcher-policy" for ETH Grants. Please contact us promptly at to clarify the further procedure.

Cost Neutral Extensions

  • A cost-neutral extension of the project to utilise the remaining funds is possible in principle. However, an extension must be approved by the Grants Office and funds can only be used on a project-related basis to cover costs associated with the project. This includes research costs and salaries of personnel already working on the project. In order to approve your request, please send us an email at stating the 
    • ETH Grant number
    • name of the PI
    • SAP Project / PSP Element of the ETH Grant and corresponding Responsibility Centre
    • overview of the planned expenses, including the names of the personnel you will continue to employ under the grant
    • and the desired time frame for the extension.

Supplementary Funding

  • Salary adjustments: Successful projects are awarded a lump sum based on salary costs valid at the time of approval. Adjustments of salary scales might be made in the course of the project in adherence to the general ETH Domain remuneration policy as defined by the ETH Board. However, any extra costs associated with salary scale adjustments effected during the project funding period must be borne by the applicants.
  • Please note that from 2024 onwards, the grant duration and thus the funding for an ETH Grant has been increased from 3 to 4 years. Grants awarded before 2024 cannot be retroactively funded for a fourth year.
  • In the case of ETH Grants, there is generally no possibility of extension. It is expected that the professorship will provide the additional funds required to complete the dissertation in the form of an own contribution.
    In rare and scientifically well-founded exceptional cases (e.g. equipment failure, fieldwork not carried out due to force majeure), a small contribution may be granted by way of exception. As a rule, however, extensions of an ETH grant are handled very restrictively. Please contact the Grants Office at for further information.

Scientific report of no more than five pages, to be sent to  two months after project completion for projects approved before July 2022 and to be uploaded on eResearch for projects approved from December 2022.  Please use the Download available template (DOCX, 19 KB).


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